Watermelon dino by Apofiss

Date Uploaded: July 07, 2014
more of requested wallpapers! a wallpaper based on 'watermelon dino' http://apofiss.deviantart.com/art/watermelon-dino-312757841 ...actually it was already done for a few days, forgot to upload it -_- p.s. as for a wallpaper I try to keep both sides clean, you know a place for tons of icons o;

*Download CHROME THEME - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/watermelon-dino/ekmkngfkcpmcccaacnpebmekkmkchbio
rebolg on TUMBLR - http://apofiss.tumblr.com/ post/27849782226/click-image-to-get-wallpaper-size'>http://apofiss.tumblr.com/ post/27849782226/click-image-to-get-wallpaper-size

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